EnglishKegiatan HarianKepesantrenanmsbsSMK Grafika MSBS AcehSMP MSBS Aceh

To Maintain Body Immunity, MSBS Students Must Consume Herbal Supplements Everyday!

Since the Covid-19 has been upgraded to the status of a Pandemic teaching and learning activities have been severely disrupted. As a boarding vocational school, Muamalat Solidarity Boarding School (MSBS) imposed a lockdown from March until July 2020. After the Covid-19 became the New Normal Status MSBS reactivated teaching and learning activities whilst adhering to strict health protocols.

To maintain the health of all students, MSBS requires all students, teachers and MSBS Employees to take herbal supplements everyday.
The Herbal Supplements to be consumed are;
(a) Honey,
(b) Olive Oil, and;
(c) Black Seed.

The following are to be used externally not swallowed:
(a) But-But Oil,
(b) Eucalyptus Oil.

These oils are to be rubbed around your throat area. Everyday all persons especially the Students will be checked to ensure they have taken the supplements. This will be strictly controlled by the School.

In addition, MSBS students will also receive Masks, Face Shields and Hand Sanitiser.
We are really open to make opportunities for Muhsinin who want to give part of their assets to Orphans, Dhuafa and Mualaf to meet the needs of health supplements so that the health of the students can be maintained to enable to complete their studies. By : KeyNara

Zakat, Infaq and Waqf can be redeemed by transferring funds to the following:
VA, Muamalat Bank (147):
Zakat: 7484 01 012 099 0000
Infak: 7484 02 012 099 0000
Wakaf:7484 03 012 099 0000

Confirm donation to 0812 7037 9890.


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